Super tennis documentation

Copyright© Alina Khmelevtsov & Igor Khmelevtsov, 2004

Edited by Simon Dowling


@@ Contents

1. About the game.

2. After installation.

3. Starting the game.

4. The Main menu.

5. Level 1 Playing against the computer.

6. Connecting with a partner.

7. Waiting for a partner.

8. Level 2 Playing with a partner.

9. Texting a partner.

10. Spoken help.

11. Keys in the game.

12. Joystick buttons.

13. Program registration.

14. Program unregistration.

15. Our team.

16. Technical notes.

17. Technical support and contacts.


@@ 1. About the game


Have you ever wanted to show off your skills with a bat and ball? Ever wanted to play your friends over the net? Well now you can. Welcome to super tennis. This is a sports game.

This game has 2 levels: level 1 "Play with computer" and level 2 "Play with a partner through the internet".

In level 1 you can choose the difficulty level, you can use spoken help, you can save and load the game. The Computer will imitate your partner. In this level you will play with multiple balls.

In level 2 you can play with real partner through the internet, you can use text messenger to write to your partner. Also you can use SAPI engine to hear the messages from your partner. Pause and spoken help features are available too.

Super tennis version 1.1 has many modifications. Please note, all modifications will be available if you and your partner use version 1.1 only. If your partner uses the old version of Super tennis, you can play with him, but you will not be able to use the new features of version 1.1.

If you are totally blind you don't need sighted friends or relatives help. You don't need a screen reader to play this game if you have SAPI text to speech engine installed on your computer.

This program requires 25mb free space on your hard drive, Windows 98, Me, 2000, or XP, DirectX 8.0 drivers, and a Pentium 3 processor or higher, RAM 128mb or more. If you want to play with a partner through the internet, your computer must be connected to the internet. If you want to use the text messenger without your screen reader you need the SAPI text to speech engine installed on your computer. Also, if you have a joystick, you may use it in this game. If you have surround sound system you'll enjoy this game. If you haven't got a surround sound system you can play this game too but you need a stereo sound system minimum to play this game. The Unregistered program allows you to play level 1 only with some restrictions, but after registration of the program, you will play the game without any restrictions.


@@ 2. After installation


After the installation please read this manual carefully.

The first step after installation must be the configuration of the program. For this purpose you should open the program group "Super tennis", that will be in your start menu. Then you should start the Super tennis configuration program. You need your screen reader in this program. Use the tab key to move from one text field to another.

There are 4 text fields, which you must fill. You'll hear the name of the first text field. If you hit the tab key once again, you'll be in the text field that you must fill. You can now type the required data. Then you should hit the tab key once to hear the name of the next text field, and hit tab key once more to move to the next text field.

The last field is Login. It will be your name when you play with partners through the Internet. Use numbers and letters to type your Login. Maximum size of your Login is 6 symbols. You can't use the space symbol in your login. You must fill all fields and then hit the "Ok" button.

You must configure the game once only. If you'll uninstall this program and install it on the other computer, you'll configure the game again.

Please note, you can change your login only before registration of the program. If you need to change your login after registration of the program you must unregister your copy, change your login, and then register you copy again.

Also please note, you can unregister your copy 3 times only.


@@ 3. Starting the game


You can start the game after installation and the configuration of the program. You should find a program group, “Super tennis ", and a shortcut “Super tennis on your desktop. Then you can unload your screen reader and hit the enter key to start the game.

After you press enter to start the game, you'll hear the first sound of the game a crowd cheering and clapping, you can hit the ctrl key to skip this sound. After the first game sound, you'll be in the main menu.


@@ 4. The Main menu


After the start of the program, you will be in the main menu. Use up and down arrow keys to choose menu items. Use Enter key to select the current menu item.

There are 10 items in the main menu.

1. Play with the computer. Use this item to start the game against the computer. If you select this item, you can choose from a difficulty level, easy, where only one ball is active, normal where 2 balls are active, hard, where 3 balls are active, super where 4 balls are active; and insane where 5 balls are active after you successfully return the first ball. Use up and down arrow keys to choose the difficulty level, and use the Enter key to select that difficulty level. If you hit Enter on one of the difficulty levels, you'll start the game with the computer.

2. Load game with computer. Use this item to load a saved game with the computer, if it was saved. If you use this item, you'll continue the game with the computer from the point from which you had left off.

3. Play with a partner. Use this item to choose the partner and play with him/her over the Internet.

4. Final score. Use this item to know your final score if the game is over. After starting the game for the first time, and you save it to continue later, your final score will be 0 points after the game puts you back in the main menu. 5. Learn game sounds. Use this item to learn the most important sounds in the game. If you select this item, you can choose the sounds and hit the Enter key. Then you should use the up and down arrow keys to listen to the name of the sound, and use the Enter key to review the particular sound. Use the ESC key to return to the menu, learn game sounds. By hitting the esc key again in this menu, it will return you back to the main menu.

6. Send score to vipgameszone. Use this item to send your final score of the game against the computer and against the partner through the Internet to the If your score is enough, your name will be in the list of the 10 best players! If you want to send your score to the vipgameszone, your computer must be connected to the Internet and you must be online. Please note! You can send your score to the vipgameszone only if the game is over and your final score is more then 0 points.

7. Test speakers. Use this item to make sure your speakers are in their proper positions.

8. Test joystick settings. If you have a joystick and you want to know buttons numbers and other settings of the joystick, use this item. Please note, this program uses only buttons from 0 to 3.

9. Get your ID. Use this item to find out your ID (login). The Program will use this ID (login) to register you in the partner's list if you’re waiting for a partner to play against. Please note, you can use your ID (login) only after registration of your copy of the program.

10. Quit game. Use this item to exit the game. Also you can use the ESC key to exit the game.


@@ 5. Level 1 Play against the computer

In this level you have 5 difficulty levels. On easy difficulty level you have 1 active ball so you can get a feel for the game. In the normal difficulty level you have 2 balls. In the hard difficulty level there are 3 active balls and so on. After each serve only 1 ball will be active, but then the amount of the active balls will increase.

First game will start with your serve. Use the enter key to serve the ball. The Computer will return the ball and you will hear this ball. You must pan the ball to the centre of the screen. Use left and right arrow keys for this purpose. Use down arrow key + left or right arrow key to speed up your movement. If the ball is right in front of you, you can return it. If the ball isn't right in front of you and you try to return it, you'll hear the fail to hit sound, if you fail to hit the ball three times, the computer earns the point.

If you lose the ball or computer loses the ball you need to serve the next ball to continue the game. You'll serve all the balls in the first game even when you lose the ball. But in the second game computer will serve the balls. In the third game will be your serve and so on.

Use the key I to know the current set number, the current game number and who will serve, you or the computer.

There are 3 sounds that help you move on the game field. You'll hear a left side sound when you are near the left corner of the game field. You'll hear a right side sound when you are near the right corner of the game field. You'll hear a middle sound when you are in the middle of the game field. This way you can tell on what side of the court you are.

From time to time you will fall down. If you hear the fall down sound you

must use the up arrow key to rise to one's feet, then you can continue your movement or return the ball. You can use 3 different keys to return the ball. Use left ctrl key or delete or left alt to return the ball from the left to the right. Use right ctrl key or page down or right alt to return the ball from the right to the left. Use space bar or the end key to return the ball right back. If you use different keys it will be more difficult for the computer to return the ball and you have more chances to earn points. But if you are on the left side of the game field and use right ctrl key, the ball will be out of the field and you lose your current ball. If you are on the right side of the game field and use the left ctrl key, you lose your current ball too. If a ball you return and the computer misses it, you will earn points.

The first one is worth 15, the second one 15 and the third 10 points. If computer misses 4 balls, you won the game. If you lose 4 balls the computer wins the game. If the current score in the game is 40 : 40 it is drawn game. The current serve will change and you'll play the game with the same number.

Use the tab key to know the current score in the game. The first number is your points, the second number is the computer's points.

There are 3 sets to a match. To win the match you need to have beaten the computer minimum 2 sets. Use the right shift key to know the current score in the match. The first number is sets amount that you won, the second number is sets amount that computer won. The first number is games amount that you won, the second number is games amount that computer won.

To win the set you need to have beaten the computer 6 games. If current score in the set is 5 : 5 you need to have beaten the computer 7 games to win the current set. If the game's score is 6 : 6 it will change and the game's score will be 5 : 5. The current game number will be 11. It will continue until one of the partners (you or computer) will earn the set with a score 7 : 5.

This situation will emulate tie-break.

Use the left shift key to know the current score in the current set.

Press f1 for spoken help.

If you need to pause the game, use letter P. Press it again to continue the game.

If you want to stop the game and save the current position, press "F2".

If you want to stop the game without saving, press the "Escape" key.

You can control the volume of the crowd sounds. You can decrease the sounds of the crowd until you'll not hear these sounds. Use "D" for this purpose. You can increase the sounds of the crowd. Use key "U" for this purpose.

You can increase and decrease echo of the sounds on the court. Use key "E" for this purpose. There are 5 settings of the echo delay. You'll start the game with it set at 2. Hit key "E" and the echo delay will be 3. Hit

"E" next time and it will be 4. Maximum echo you'll have with the setting is 5. Minimum echo you'll have with the setting is 1. By pressing E repeatedly, it circles you through the echo settings.

You can change the speed of the ball in the first level, "Play with the computer" only. There are 5 speed settings: 1 through 5. You can change the ball's speed by using keys "Home" and "Page Up". You will start the first level with the speed 1 by default. Use key "Page Up" to increase the ball's speed. Use key "Home" to decrease the ball's speed. Each time, when you change the ball's speed, you'll hear the speed number from 1 to 5.


@@ 6. Connect to a partner

If you want to play with a partner over the internet you must be online.

Then choose item "play with a partner" in the main menu and hit enter key to

open the connection dialog. It will say "press Y if you are connected to the internet, otherwise press N".

If you are really on the internet hit the Y key. Then you will receive the partner's list from the server. There are only IDs (logins) of the partners in this list who have registered there copy and are waiting for a partner at this moment. Use up and down arrow keys to view IDs of the partners who are waiting for a partner to play.

After registration in the partners list you can get not only partners ID, but partner's first and last name too. You can use SAPI in the connection dialog. Hit the space bar key when you hear the partner's id from the list.

You'll hear the partner's id, his first name and his last name. Please note, you'll hear the partner's name if he uses new version only. Also please note, you can hear the partner's first and last name only if SAPI is installed on your computer.

Choose your partner and press the Enter key. You'll connect with this partner, if it is possible. Please note, you can't choose your own ID to play against. It is impossible, you will receive the message "Can't connect to yourself".

If you receive the message "Can't connect to the partner" The reason may be:

1. The partner left the Internet,

2. The partner exited the game on his/hers computer,

3. The partner has closed the connection dialog on his/hers computer,

4. Partner started the game with other partner.

5. Any problems on the server of your provider,

6. Any problems of the server of your partner's provider.

7. Some antivirus programs and firewalls can make obstacles for connection to partner's computer from the internet.

8. Partner's proxy server can hide his/her IP address.

9. If your partner uses router, it can make obstacles for connection to partner’s computer, because each router has built-in firewall. Your partner must change settings of his firewall to accept connection from Internet.

10. Your partner uses computer that connected to the Internet over other computers or Ethernet.

But if you can't connect to the partner, may be partner can connect to you and you will play.

If you choose menu item "Game with partner" and program can't open the connection dialog the reason is that another program on your computer uses the port or ports that Super tennis needs to play the game.

To play Super tennis online you must have the following 8 ports free: 2300, 2301, 2302,2303,2304,2305,2306,2307. Microsoft documentation recommends to use ports from 2300 to 2400 for online games. If one of the ports that is necessary for Super tennis is busy that means that you can't play online, because 2 applications can't use the same port.

So if port 2300 - 2307 is busy program Super tennis can't open the connection dialog.

If you have a connection with your partner and your partner uses the old version of Super tennis, you will hear the game sounds and you'll hear who will serve.

If you'll connect to the partner and your partner uses the new version

1.1 you'll hear the message “Waiting answer from partner". You should wait for an answer from your partner. If your partner hits y you'll play. If your partner hits N, you'll hear message "Sorry, I am waiting for another partner" and you'll return to the main menu.

If you want to return to the main menu before connecting with a partner you can use the Escape key.

If you use any antivirus program or firewall you will receive the question "Do you want to allow super tennis to play over the internet?" at the moment when you'll try to connect to the server. You should answer "Yes", because otherwise your antivirus or firewall program will not allow Super tennis to connect to the server.

Please note, vipgameszone can't guarantee that you will be able to connect to all partners at any time, because it depends on many technical reasons.


@@ 7. Waiting for a partner


If there aren't any partners in the list or you want to play with your friend only, not with any other partners, you can wait for your friend. Your id(login) is automatically added to the list when you connect to the server.

Please note, if you close the connection dialog and return to the main menu, other gamers will not be able to connect to you even though your ID will be in the partners list. So you should wait for your partner in the connection dialog.

If you wait for a partner, you can use your computer as you need.

You must open connection dialog, register on the server in the partners list, but the window of the super tennis game can be minimized. You can run any other program and use these programs.

If a new partner registers in the partners list, you'll hear a special sound. You'll hear this sound after the partners list on your computer will be updated. Your program will update the partners list every sixty seconds.

If you hear a special sound you can return to the Super tennis window and check the partners list.

If a partner connects to you, you'll hear a reminder sound. After this sound you should return to the super tennis window.

When your partner connects to you and he uses old version of Super tennis, you will hear the games sounds and announcement who will serve.

If your partner has version 1.1 you must accept or refuse the match.

So, if you and your partner use version 1.1, after connection of partner to you, you will hear a message "do you want to play with the partner press Y otherwise press N". After this message you'll hear partner's id. You can use SAPI. Press the space bar key and you'll hear partner's id, his first name and his last name. Please note, you can hear partner's first and last name only, if SAPI is installed on your computer. If you'll hit Y you'll play with the partner. If you'll hit N you'll return to the main menu.

If you don't want to wait for your partner, you can close the connection dialog and return to the main menu or connect to the partner from the partners list.

Please note, you can't play with 2 or 3 partners simultaneously. If you are already connected with one partner, other partners may not connect with you, even though your ID will be in the partners list.

If you have forgotten your ID you can use item "To get your id" in the main menu.

If nobody can connect to you the reason can be:

1. Some antivirus programs and firewalls can make obstacles for connection to your computer from the internet.

2. If your Internet provider uses any firewall or special antivirus programs. Now more providers are using these programs more often, because there are too many viruses on the internet these days.

3. Your proxy server can hide your IP address. In This case the server can't get your real IP address and nobody can connect to you.

But if even nobody can connect to you, you can connect to other gamers and play Super tennis.

4. If you use any router, it can make obstacles for connection to your computer, because each router has built-in firewall. You should change settings of your firewall to accept connections from internet.

5. If you use computer that connected to the Internet over other computers or Ethernet.

Please note, vipgameszone can't guarantee that all other gamers will be able to connect to you any time, because it depends from many technical reasons.


@@ 8. Level2 Play with a partner

In this level you can't choose a difficulty level. There is only 1 active ball in this level. You return the ball to your partner and your partner will return the ball to you. If the ball moves from you to your partner, the volume of the ball sound will decrease. If the ball moves from your partner to you, its volume will increase.

In the beginning of the match the program will choose randomly who will serve. Use the enter key to serve the ball. You'll hear the ball move from you.

Your Partner will return the ball and you will hear it coming back to you. You must pan the ball to the centre of the screen. Use left and right arrow keys for this purpose. Use down arrow key + left or right arrow key to speed up your movement. If the ball is right in front of you, you can return it.

If the ball sound is not right in front of you and you try to return the ball, you'll hear the fail to hit sound, but you won't lose points, unless you fail to hit three times.

As with when playing the computer, use the same 3 keys or the alternate keys to return the ball.

Press the left ctrl key or delete, or left alt to return the ball from the left to the right. Press the right ctrl key or the page down, or right alt to return the ball from the right to the left. Press the space bar or the end key to return the ball right back. If you use different keys it will be more difficult for your partner to return the ball and you have more chances to earn points. But if you are on the left side of the game field and use the right ctrl key, the ball will be out of the field and you lose the ball.

If you are on the right side of the game field and use the left ctrl key, you also lose the ball.

Who ewers serve it is at the start, he/she will continue to serve the ball until the current game is finished.

Every time that you successfully hit the ball, the ball speeds up, so you and your partner have less time to return the ball.

Press the tab key to check how many points in the game you and your partner has earned.

The First number is yours and the second number is your partners. If you have 40 points and partner loses the ball you win the game. If partner has the 40 points and you lose the ball - partner wins the game. If the current score is 40: 40 it means a drawn game. The Current serve will change, but you will play the next game with the same number.

There are 3 sets in the match. You should win minimum 2 sets to win the match. Press right shift to see how many sets you have won and how many sets your partner has won. The first number is how many games that you have won. The second number is how many games that your partner has won.

You should win 6 games to win the set. Press the left shift to see how many games you have won and how many games your partner has won. The first number is how many games that you've won. If the current score in the set is 5: 5 you should win minimum 7 games to win the set. If the game's score is 6 : 6 it will change and the game's score will be 5 : 5. The current game number will be 11. It will continue until one of the partners will earn the set with a score 7 : 5. This situation will emulate tie-break.

If you've won even 1 set you can send your score to the server. This case your final score will be 1 point and you can send it to the server and your score on the server will increase. So, even if you don't complete the match with your partner and you've won only 1 set you can send your score to the server.

Please note, there is a special list of scores for online games on

Press f1 for spoken help.

The game will stop on your computer and on the computer of your partner.

When you close spoken help, the game will continue on your computer and on the computer of your partner. If you need to pause the game, use letter "P".

The game will be stopped on your computer and on the computer of your partner. Press it again to resume the game.

Same if your partner pauses the game there end.

You can control the volume of the crowd sounds. You can decrease the sounds of the crowd until you'll not hear these sounds. Use "D" for this purpose. You can increase the sounds of the crowd. Use key "U" for this purpose.

You can increase and decrease echo of the sounds on the court. Use key "E" for this purpose. There are 5 settings of the echo delay. You'll start the game with it set at 2. Hit key "E" and the echo delay will be 3. Hit

"E" next time and it will be 4. Maximum echo you'll have with the setting is 5. Minimum echo you'll have with the setting is 1. By pressing E repeatedly, it circles you through the echo settings.

If you want to run the text messenger to write to your partner press the F4 key. The game will stop on your computer and on the computer of your partner and the text messenger will start on both computers.

If you want to close the text messenger press the f3 key.

The text messenger will close and the game will continue on both computers. If your partner closes the text messenger, it will be closed on your computer also.

If you use key p to pause, use key f1 to start the spoken help or start the super tennis messenger, the ball on your computer and on the computer of your partner will stop. To continue the game you must serve the ball again.

Depending who's serve it was before any of the 3 conditions are chosen from the pause, spoken help or super tennis messenger. The ball will not continue its movement until you or your partner serves the ball again by pressing the enter key.

So if say for example you press the letter P to pause, after you resume the game, and you had the serve, you would have to press the enter key to serve the ball again.

Like wise if your partner pauses the game and it was his/hers serve, they would have to press the enter key to carry on the game.

If you are not sure who's serve it is, you can press the letter I for this information.

If you want to exit the game with your partner press the Escape key. The Game will stop and the connection with your current partner will close. Then you can use the item "Play with a partner" in the main menu, choose a new partner and start a new game with another partner.

If your partner presses Escape, you will hear the message "Connection is over" and the game will be stopped. You will hear this message if the connection with your partner is lost for any reason:


1. Your partner closed the game with you.

2. Your partner closed the super tennis program.

3. Any problems with the internet connection of your partner.

4. Any problems with the connection of your partner's internet provider.

5. Any problem with the connection of your internet provider.

6. Any problems with your internet connection.

Please note, vipgameszone can't guarantee that you'll not lose the connection with your partner, because it depends from many technical reasons.

There are save and load features in the game with the partner.

Please note, these features will only work if both partners uses version


In the game with the partner game settings will be saved after each change of the score automatically. So, if you'll lose the connection with your partner you can connect to your partner again load the game and continue to play.

To load the game, you need to connect to your partner and use the f3 key to load the game. Please note, only 1 player can load the game. If current serve is yours, you should hit the F3 to load the game. If current serve is of your partner, he should hit F3 to load the game. If you or your partner use F3 to load the game, game will be loaded on both computers.

Please note, you can't load this saved game twice. If you loaded the game you need to play until there is a change in the score, because only after changes in the score the game will be saved and you'll be able to load this game again.

Also please note, if you have a saved game with your partner, but you

start the new game with the same partner and you have the first change of the score, you can't load the previous game, because the settings of the new game will be saved after changes in the score. So, you can have only 1 saved game with each partner.

Dear gamer! Vipgameszone can't guarantee that all your partners will use save and load features fairly. Vipgameszone will not be responsible for any tricks of your partners.


@@ 9. Texting your partner


If you or your partner starts the Super tennis messenger you can send text messages to each other.

First of all you can use your screen reader in the super tennis messenger. So, you can turn off your screen reader before you start the game and turn on your screen reader after you start the super tennis messenger. Please note, if you use sleep mode in your screen reader, you may have some problems with reading messages, because super tennis messenger doesn’t have a special window. Super tennis messenger will open in the main window of the program. If you have text to speech engine on your computer you don’t need to use your screen reader. You can use the SAPI feature that is in the super tennis messenger.

Some words about SAPI.

First of all, please note, you can only use SAPI feature if the text to Speech engine is installed on your computer. If you have windows XP, This engine will be on your computer by default.

If you haven't got this engine on your computer, you can download it free from the Microsoft site.

If you have text to speech engine on your computer you can use the SAPI feature. Please note, you can hear the messages from your partner and send messages to your partner only if you are in super tennis messenger. When you hear the signal that you've received the message from your partner, you can read this message. If you use your screen reader hit key f6 to move to the textbox to read the messages from your partner. Use up and down arrow keys to move from one message to next or to preview.

If you use the SAPI feature hit the f8 key to hear the current message.

Use the page down key to hear the next message from the list of messages from your partner.

Use the page up key to hear previous message from the list of messages. Use the f5 key to start writing the message to your partner. If you hit the f5 key to start a message to your partner, your partner will hear a clock sound. This way he will know that you are writing a message to him. So, use the f5 key before each message even when you are in the text box where you are able to write a message to your partner. This way your partner will know that you are writing a message. Use the f6 key to move to the text box with messages from your partner. If you hit f6, the clock sound on the computer of your partner will stop.

Use the enter key to send a message to your partner.

If you use SAPI feature use the f9 key to hear the message that you have written to your partner.

Use key f3 to close the super tennis messenger.

Please note, if you send a message to your partner, only your partner can close the super tennis messenger. If your partner sends message to you, only you can close the messenger. If you and your partner don't send any messages to each other, both can close the messenger. So, only the partner, who received the last message, can close the messenger.


@@ 10. Spoken help


You can use spoken help on each level. Press F1 to receive spoken help.

If you hit F1, the game stops and you will be placed into the spoken help menu. Use up and down arrow keys to move through the list of help items. You'll hear the name of the keys to help you play the game should you forget.

Press the ESC key to close spoken help and continue the game.

You have access to spoken help in all levels.


@@ 11. Keys in the game


@ Main menu:

1. Up and down arrow keys to choose the menu item.

2. Enter key to select the menu item.

3. ESC key to place you back in the main menu.


@ The keys for all game commands.

1. Left arrow key, move to the left side of the game field.

2. Right arrow key, Move to the right side of the game field.

3. Up arrow key, rise to one's feet.

4. Down arrow plus left or right arrow speed up movement across the court respectively.

5. Left control key or left alt key or delete key, Return the ball from left to right.

6. Right control key or right alt key or Page down key, Return the ball from right to left.

7. Space bar key or end key, Return the ball straight back.

8. Enter key, Serve the ball and stop crowd sounds and info sounds in the game with partner.

9. Press the tab key to find out the score in the current game.

10. Press the left shift key to find out the game score in the current set.

11. Press the right shift to find out the set score in the current match.

12. Letter I to get information about current set number, current game number and current serve.

13. Letter P, Pause on/off.

14. Press F1, for spoken help.

15. Press Escape, to exit the game.

16. Press and hold down the letter D to decrease the volume of the crowd.

17. Press and hold down the letter U to increase the volume of the crowd.

18. Press key E to change the echo of the game sounds. 

@ Level 1


  1. F2, save the game.
  2. Home to decrease the ball's speed.
  3. Page up to increase the ball's speed. 


@ Level 2

  1. F3 to load the saved game.
  2. F4 to start the Super tennis messenger.


@ Keys in the text messenger


1. F4 key to start the messenger.

2. F5 key notifies your partner that you are writing a message.

3. F6 key moves to the list of messages from your partner if you use your screen reader.

4. F7 Key clears the list of messages from your partner if you use your screen reader.

5. F8 key to hear the current message from your partner by using SAPI.

6. F9 listen to the message you sent to your partner by using SAPI.

7. Page up go to previous message from your partner by using SAPI.

8. Page down to listen to next message from your partner by using SAPI.

9. Press enter key to send the message you have written to your partner.

10. Press f3 key to close the Super tennis messenger.


@@ 12. Joystick buttons


1. Button 0, Return the ball right back.

2. Button 1, Serve the ball.

3. Button 2, Return the ball from left to right.

4. Button 3, Return the ball from right to left.


@@ 13. Program registration


After payment for your Super tennis order, you'll receive from the vendor your product ID. You'll receive it by e-mail. Before registration of your copy, you must install the Super tennis game on your computer. You must run the configuration program and fill all fields. Then you must copy the product id to the windows clipboard. Then you must start the registration program. You can do it from the program group Super tennis.

The Short cut "Super tennis registration" will run this program. Then click on the register button. At this moment your computer must be connected to the Internet and you must be online.

If you use any antivirus program or firewall you will receive the question "Do you want to allow super tennis to play over the internet?" at the moment when you'll register your copy. You should answer "Yes", because otherwise your antivirus program will not allow for the Super tennis registration program to connect to the server and your copy will not register.

Please note, you can't register your copy on 2 or 3 computers simultaneously.

If you receive the message "This login is already exists in the database" after clicking on the button "Register", you should make following steps:

1. Turn off the registration program.

2. Run the configuration program.

3. Change your login and click on the button "Ok".

4. Copy to the windows clipboard your product id.

5. Run the registration program and click on the button "Register" again.

If you have any problem with registration of your copy, please, contact us: You must register your copy of the game on one computer once only.

After registration you can play Super tennis without any restrictions.

Please note, you can’t change your login after registration. If you need to change your login after registration of the program you must unregister your copy, change your login, and then register you copy again.

Also please note, you can unregister your copy 3 times only.


@@ 14. Program unregistration.

 Dear customer! Please note, you can use this program 3 times only.

If you have a registered copy of Super tennis on one computer and you want to use Super tennis on another computer you should make the following steps:

1. Copy your product id to the windows clipboard.

2. Run the Unregister program. You can find a short cut to this program in the program group Super tennis.

3. Click on the "Unregister" button. Please note, at this moment you must be online.

4. Uninstall Super tennis from your computer.

Then you can install and register your copy of Super tennis on another computer.

Please note, you can unregister your registered copy only by using the computer on which this copy was registered. So, you can't register your copy on one computer and unregister this copy on another computer.

If you use any antivirus programs or firewalls you will receive the question "Do you want to allow super tennis to play over the internet?" at the moment when you unregister your copy. You should choose "Yes", because otherwise your antivirus program will not allow for the Super tennis unregistration program to connect to the server.

If you have any problem with unregistration of your copy, please, contact us:

Please note, you can unregister your copy 3 times only.


@@ 15. Our team


1. Igor Khmelevtsov - project manager and programmer. I am from Israel. I am 42 years old, professional programmer with large experience. I am married with one daughter.

2. Alina Khmelevtsov - producer, sound maker. I am Igor's wife.

Testers team.

Thanks to these people the game became what it is, and more fun. They worked very hard for about 2 months. They worked for you. It's been a pleasure to work with these people. It's a really brilliant team!

Alexander Westphal.

Hello! I'm Alex and I'm living in southern Germany! I love playing games on PC and however: Super Tennis is a great sports game for the blind ones!

Erick Baude.

My name is Erick Baude. I am 24 years old from New Jersey in the United states of America. This is the second game I have helped to test. This game has lots of very good features that make it a challenge for anyone out there. Not only can you play against the computer with a choice of several different difficulty levels, but you can play against a real human being. A computer can be predictable after a while, but a person is another matter since you don't know for sure if the person on the other end will miss or not or what will happen. This is the first real sports type game unless you think of card games as sports, but otherwise this is the first real sports game that has been developed for you to play with Human opponents over the internet. Another good extra is that you can text message the person you are playing with during the game. If you have only a demo try to find a friend who has gotten the game so you can get a better idea of what you are missing out on. Best of all is the fact that you only have to pay one time for the game. Not month after month after month year after year. I hope you enjoy the game as much as we did helping Igor to test it out and work out all the bugs. I really hope to see you online soon.


Georgios Karkalis.

Hi I'm Georgios Karkalis 23 from Stuttgart Germany. I was born there but my parents are from Greece. I tested my first game from Vipgameszone. But this game is outstanding. Hope you will enjoy it like I do.

Jodie Riker.

Hi. I'm Jodie Riker and I'm twenty-eight. I live in Rockaway, New Jersey, and have been playing computer games since summer 2003. This is the first game I've ever beta tested. Due to some computer problems, plus college work, I wasn't able to put in nearly as much time as I hoped, but I'm hoping I'll be able to test another game soon. I'll have more time to test in the summer and I'll look forward to it! This is a great game! It's challenging and you can meet new people when you play with a partner.

Karl Belanger.

I am Karl Belanger, from Dover, New Hampshire. I am in High school, and have enjoyed playing computer games for several years. This is my second time working with Igor on a game, and I have enjoyed it a lot.

Mario Percinic.

I'm Mario Percinic also known as Alf.

Thru the last 4 years I've been an active gamer, and I tried all kinds of the computer games for the blind. Since I worked on some of the vipgameszone projects before I was very glad when Igor called me to participate in testing for the super tennis game. What inspired me a lot about super tennis is possibility of online playing with the other people. In fact super tennis is the first sports online game for the blind, so let's go kicking:) Regards from Croatia!

Nick Apostolidis.

I'm Nick Apostolidis from Greece, 25 years old.

When Igor wrote me that I'm one of the beta testers for super tennis, I couldn't imagine what grate fun that would be. If you are trying the demo, I have to tell you. You don't know what you are missing! Playing online with other partners is fantastic. Further more, the game is in a very reasonable price and you don't have to pay every year or month in order to subscribe to be able to play online. You pay once and enjoy. Purchase the game and come join the fun! Igor thanks for making such a grate game. A big thanks to the other testers for making testing of super tennis a grate pleasure.

Philip Bennefall.

I'm Philip Bennefall from Sweden, i was born in 1989. I live in Varmdo, Stockholm. I am a programmer myself. I've been playing games for a few years and Super tennis is the only game that i think is really fun that you can play with others over the net! There are some card games out there for example witch you can play against others, but we want something more than boring card games, and here we've got it. Thanks, Igor, for making this wonderful game!

Simon Dowling.

Hi I'm Simon Dowling and I live in the UK.

I think all enjoy this game as much as I have done in testing it. I helped Igor test the last offering from him and was thrilled when he invited me back to test this game. Thanks two all the rest of the team for some excellent challenges too.


@@ 16. Technical notes.


Please note, data in the Internet can be lost by any reasons. In this case you and your partner can be in the situation when you and your partner can’t serve the ball. Use key p to start pause and then use key p to continue the game. Then you’ll be able to serve the ball if the current position is yours and your partner will be able to serve the ball if the current serve is his.

Also some words about firewalls:


If you are running the XP firewall and want to disable it, follow the steps below.

1. Go to the control panel and cursor down to network connections.

2. Press enter on this and press the alt to bring up the file menu, cursor up to properties and hit enter.

3. Ctrl tab to the advanced page and uncheck the box where it says, protect my computer and network by limiting or preventing access from the internet.


If you have sygate personal fire wall, you can disable it from the programs menu, launch the firewall and press alt to bring up the file menu.

Cursor up twice to exit firewall and press enter on that. Or you could set it to allow all.

Disabling Norton internet security 2004.

If you need to disable Norton firewall that comes with Norton internet security 2004, do the following steps:

Press and hold your windows key and then press the letter b, that will give focus to the system tray icons. Alternatively, use your screen reader’s function to access the systray, insert+f11 for jaws users.

Use the cursor keys to find Norton internet security icon.

Press your application key next to the right control key. If you are using the select a system tray icon dialog of jaws, just press enter.

A context menu with options will open. Arrow down to disable Norton internet security and press enter.

A dialog box will ask you if you are sure that you want to disable internet security, answer yes. (You might need to alt+tab to access this dialog box, some times it loses focus.)

To enable Norton internet security, follow the steps from 1 to 3, and in step 4 select enable Norton internet security and press enter.


@@ 17. Technical support and contacts


Our company site is:

E-mail for technical support is:

Our contact E-mail is:

Our address:

Box 2176





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